Traditional fabrics

y Marí has a 60 years outstanding experience in the production of fabrics specifically designed for the traditional Valencian dressmaking. Every year, thousands of women of our community wear with pride our exclusive designs.

A hard and relentless effort to innovate, to introduce new colors and new designs, allow us to meet the yearly demands of an insatiable market.

Vives y Marí is official provider for Valencia, Alicante, Castellón, and all the most important local administrations of the area, steadily confirming as the most successful business in the traditional dressmaking market in these areas.

We honour our traditions with a relentless work of study and recovery of ancient drafts and pieces in antiquity shops, enriching everyday our historical archive. This unyielding research allows us to release a wide range of creations and designs, that keep innovating without abdicating the necessary need for authenticity and historical accuracy.
